Network Marketing: Affirmations Are Trigger Tools An affirmation is a network marketing trigger tool--a statement of belief, written and repeated as if the goal were already an accomplished fact. Affirmations have the power to effect that outcome. Many prominent behavioral scientists have documente
Network Marketing: Positive Information We are irrevocably convinced that putting positive information into our brains is essential to network marketing success. We do that by reading uplifting books and articles, listening to inspiring tapes, and practicing daily affirmative communication with our
Network Marketing: A Case for Optimism The underlying embarrassment some professionals feel after joining network marketing and the negative reactions of their peers are two causes of depression, though they aren't easily admitted. In order for professionals to be successful in network marketing, t
Network Marketing: Depression Torpedo Although the network marketing business is 90 percent fun after the "learning curve" months, the Depression Torpedo is among the more difficult challenges facing new and seasoned network marketers alike. The Depression Torpedo ahs this name because it seems t
Network Marketing: Leadership Skills The truth is that success in network marketing does not result from extensive management. Success comes from a person with leadership skills having the vision, enthusiasm, and willingness to recruit other frontline leaders who, in turn, use and share the produ
Network Marketing: "Real" vs "Promotional" Volume Of all the possible fiascoes stemming from the Management Trap, "buying in" for your downline or teaching them to do this for their affiliates is the worst. Network marketers who get caught spending more time management than recruiting often get sn
Network Marketing: Baby-Sitting the Downline I wanted to share with you a story that I heard from someone recently that I thought was very appropriate for network marketing. I will use fictitious names for this example. There is a group led by a couple, Gary and Laurie, who were self-sufficient wit
Network Marketing: Just Recruit a Few and Drive Their Lines Deep One common misconception in the network marketing industry has led people down into the administration pit. Certain leaders contend that the key to success in our industry is finding four or five good people, then driving their groups
Affiliate Marketing: Put Your Products On Autopilot You can earn residual or passive income through your own affiliate marketing products and services. In fact, I would highly recommend creating a recurring income business as soon as you reasonably can, because recurring income gives you leverage
Home Based Business: Time Is An Asset Daily home based business management really comes down to three core areas: Money People Tools and time Time is likely your most valuable asset in your home based business, so let's address that first. Creating a daily management plan will really he
I am in Network Marketing and own my own business in Virginia Beach, Va. I offer free tools to others who want to be successful in their own business. I hope these tools can be used to make a difference in your business. In this day and age, business transparency is a must. It’s those people wh
I have enjoyed writing about creating your online business product. It not only helps me stay focused on what I need to do to become successful but also what others can do to improve their businesses. In this article will discuss using themed collections, membership sites, and paid blogs for your